
一个简单的普拉提教程 a simple Pilates tutorial


  1. 热身:向下卷动

  2. 猫式

  3. 四肢游泳

  4. 骨盆卷动

  5. 肩桥

  6. 百次呼吸

  7. 单腿伸展

  8. 美人鱼


  1. Warm-up: Roll Downwards
    Stand with neutral stance, inhale as you raise your arms above your head. Exhale and use your arms to guide your spine to roll downwards, inhale to return to the starting position.

  2. Cat Pose
    Get on all fours with a neutral stance, inhale to prepare. On exhale, arch your back and curve your spine as much as possible, inhale to return to the extended position.

  3. Four-limbed Swim
    Get on all fours with a neutral stance, inhale as you slowly lift your left arm and right leg, exhale to return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

  4. Pelvic Rotation
    Lie on your back with a neutral stance, inhale to prepare. On exhale, rotate your pelvis backwards and roll up to the maximum extent of your spine, inhale to return to the starting position.

  5. Bridge Pose
    Lie on your back with a neutral stance, inhale to prepare. On exhale, lift your hips and legs to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders, inhale to return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

  6. 100 Breaths
    Lie on your back with a neutral stance, inhale as you lift both legs to the table height, exhale as you use both arms to rotate your trunk to the side until your shoulder blades are off the ground. Place both hands on your hips and take smooth breaths, clap your hands.

  7. Single-leg Stretch
    Lie on your back with a neutral stance, inhale as you lift both legs to the table height, exhale as you use both arms to rotate your trunk to the side until your shoulder blades are off the ground. Place both hands on the sides of your bent leg, inhale to extend the other leg, exhale to return to the starting position.

  8. Mermaid Pose
    Sit with a neutral stance, inhale as you raise both arms to the side. On exhale, use both arms to guide your trunk to bend to the left side, inhale to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

In each of the above exercises, you can repeat the movements as needed to strengthen the flexibility of your body and build muscle memory. Additionally, it is important to coordinate your breathing with the movements of your body and maintain stability in your trunk when practicing Pilates. Do not over-追求 the difficulty of the movements or the beauty of the postures, but instead perform them slowly with correct posture to allow your body to fully extend and exercise.






